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News and Events

How does ABQ FaithWorks do it? We are a model for “the Village”!

The unhoused often come to the doors of houses of worship looking for help. As we mature our program model for those seeking shelter, we are seeing situations that you might encounter, if you were the one answering the door or the phone:

  • a 17-year-old boy with torn shoes and no socks or jacket who was evicted from where he was staying. In a conversation over some food and warmer clothes, he revealed he was on the run since November from child protective services (CYFD, who had legal custody of him). He wanted to turn himself in and go to a youth shelter while CYFD handled the complicated process to reunite him with an aunt in Texas. We kept him warm and made that connection.

  • A mother calling from far away worried about her daughter who'd recently been given a sub-standard apartment here through a local agency. We contacted the daughter, determined she knew the steps to upgrade, and gave her moral support. When we asked what we could do further to help, she said, "Please call my mom and tell her I'm OK."

  • The Community School Coordinator at a local elementary wanting to help a mom with two children stay in a motel room for an extra week while working with case workers to find longer-term housing.

In our other program, asylum seekers have come to Albuquerque to stay in great numbers this winter. The FaithWorks Asylum Seeker program accepted 37 new people this fall alone. We assist them in gaining self-sufficiency in our community: navigating the legal system, public schools, staying sheltered and fed, and getting transportation.

It takes "a village" to accomplish this work, and we couldn't do it without you! Sign up today with Amy or Elijah to learn more and volunteer to expand this good work in our community! 505 457 1728



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