How we Help
Through collaboration we are addressing urgent needs, walking alongside those who are finding their way home, and creating partnerships to build healthy communities.

Responding to Urgent Needs
Emergency Rental Assistance
Emergency Utility Assistance
Food Distribution
Gas Cards
Short-Term Gap Hoteling
Sustaining Impact through programs that lead to self-sufficiency
Housing Vouchers, accompanied by individualized Case Management
Volunteer Family Liaisons who connect the Newcomer to basic needs & services
Resource Referral to community partners for assistance with language, legal navigation, job training, and more
ID Clinics at our member congregations
Collaborating with Community
Our work is rooted in collaboration with one another and the community. We are proud to partner with:
The City of Albuquerque
New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness
Las Cumbres
Albuquerque Healthcare for the Homeless
... and many more organizations!
Need Urgent Help?
Call our Main Office at 505-457-1728
Our Business Hours are 8 am to 4 pm M-F
Should we miss your call, we will call you back within one business day.
If your need can't wait, dial 211.