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Help FaithWorks Bring Joy to Asylum Seeker Children

for the Holidays

ABQ FaithWorks is gearing up for our 2022 Holiday Party for Asylum Seekers living in Albuquerque and YOU can help ensure that each and every child has a gift for the holidays. For as little as $25 you can sponsor a child and help bring joy and happiness to them as they and their family struggle for a better life here in the USA. Giving is as simple as mailing a check to ABQ FaithWorks, Attn: Christmas Party, PO Box 40482 ABQ NM 87196 or by going online to our website and donating via Givelify. Please help us make this holiday as special for our newest neighbors as it is for you and your loved ones.

Board, Clergy, Staff and Volunteers attended a breakfast to honor the volunteers and thank everyone for their engagement with ABQ FaithWorks! Executive Director, Jessica Corley provided an update on the two programs, the maturation of the Organization over the last year and the projected 2023 growth areas. It was a fun event that we hope to repeat every year!

Detectives Mike Sciarillo and Ben Melendrez from the APD Crisis Intervention Unit provided an excellent training on verbal de-escalation skills on September 28th from 1PM-3PM. More than 20 staff and board members from ABQ FaithWorks and other community members attended. Mike and Ben were engaging and informative and attendees appreciated the information shared by these two well-versed presenters.

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